
Due to tech issues, we are unable to respond to emails sent to MOTA. We are working on this. We are sorry about any inconvenience.

MOTA Board Openings

We have 3 board openings, for the position Student Representative, President Elect, and VP of Events for the Term January 2025 – December 2028. For more info, click HERE.

Great news on OT in mental health, transitioning to new VP for advocacy, and call for MOTA Legislative Committee Members
Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) Study on Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage
MHCC was charged with gathering data to create a Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund Report as a result of legislation that was passed with the support of MOTA (among others).  We are making progress!  We’ve got more to do, but in every report/initiative, we are elevating OTs as behavioral health providers. In August, the Marland Health Care Commission issued a preliminary report on its recommendations regarding the Behavioral Health Workforce Investment Fund. There was no mention OTs.  MOTA wrote in about the importance of including OTs.  And we’ve had success: The report now specifically defines recognizes OTs as behavioral health providers. 

The report specifically thanks MOTA for submitting comments.  Go MOTA! The report flags that compensation is the top factor in recruitment and retention. They estimated that $50 million would be allocated to Community Behavioral Health Talent Attraction and Retention Grants which would apply to OT among other providers. You can read the full report, including MOTA’s advocacy by going to this link: Full report

This success was led by our lobbyists from Public Policy Partners. Please share the good news and encourage your colleagues to become MOTA members so that this kind of work can continue!
MOTA Legislative Committee is looking for additional volunteers! The committee is made up of practitioners from a variety of practice areas and provide valuable input regarding advocacy actions for MOTA. Most of our work is during the legislative session that runs from January – April and requires that members be available for Zoom meetings twice a month during this time frame. If you are interested and/or have questions, please contact Holly Long at Hollylong26@gmail.com. 
Transition of MOTA VP for Advocacy – It has been my pleasure and honor to serve as MOTA’s VP for Advocacy for the last 6 years. I’m happy to transition the position to Holly Long who will continue to lead MOTA’s advocacy efforts, making sure that we are in the game and not on the sidelines! Go MOTA! – Sonia

Nominations for Awards is now open. Please see the Resources Tab for more information.

Conference Keynote Speaker: Dr. Dorothea Copeland OTD, OT/L

Visit the conference page for full details!!

MOTA 2024 Conference – In Person

Registration is now open for MOTA 2024 Conference to be held at Towson University on November 2, 2024! Earn up to 6.0 CEU. CLICK HERE to register.

MOTA is looking for volunteers to assist with committees and conference planning. We have needs for the following conference committees. Please email conference.mota@gmail.com if you are interested in learning more or are willing to serve. Committees that need volunteers: 

1. Local conference committee

2. Vendor committee

3. Keynote speaker finder 

4. Marketing/registration

5. proposal reviews

6. Volunteers

Special Thanks to 2023 speakers, attendees, and vendors.

AOTA State Representative Assembly Opening

Are you looking for an opportunity to be more engaged in your profession? AOTA will be opening the call for applications in your state to be a member of the Representative Assembly (RA). More information on the application process will be made available in March.

The RA is the policy-making body of the AOTA and meets three times per year. The position is open to any OT or OTA licensed in your state and who is a member of AOTA. If appointed, the term begins on 7/1/2024.

You can review the job description for the Representative to the Representative Assembly. 

Please consider this opportunity to have an impact nationally on the occupational therapy profession. If you have any questions, contact the VLDC at vldc@aota.org or AOTA’s Program Manager (Volunteer Leadership & Governance) at tsullivan@aota.org.

COVID-19 Update and Resources

MOTA recognizes the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic on occupational therapy practitioners, educators and students as we adapt to these uncertain times. Occupational Therapy practitioners across the state of Maryland have all been challenged to remain healthy and ensure safe practices to prevent further community spread. Please visit the MOTA Blog for the resources we have compiled for you.

Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact

The OT Compact will allow licensed OTs and OTAs to practice in all states that join the compact. We are the third state to join! Ten states are required in order for the compact to truly take effect. Please see our Advocacy page for more details–and ways YOU can support this effort.

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