Call for Papers

The Maryland Occupational Therapy Association would like you to submit to be a presenter. The conference will be held on Saturday, November 2nd at Towson University. Please read the following information carefully and email with any questions.

Call for Papers opens May 1, 2024 and ends August 1 2024. The submission form is located at the bottom of this page.

There are 3 ways in which to present this year. When you complete the submission requirements, please indicate how you are presenting.

Poster: Posters will be attended by participants during an allotted time frame which overlaps with lunch. Information will be displayed on a poster using a poster stand (size and orientation TBD). Presenters of posters will answer questions from conference participants during the allotted time.

Presentations: Presentations will be 20 minutes in length. If your submission is selected, you will share a timeslot with 2 other presenters. Your presentation cannot exceed 20 minutes in length including Q & A. 

Course/workshop: Course/workshop will be 60 minutes in length. If your abstract is selected, you will be the sole presenter during a 1 hour time slot. It is expected that your course/workshop will have some type of interactive component in addition to a lecture. Examples include: panel/facilitate discussion, lab, hands on experience/demonstration, craft, etc. Here’s a chance to get creative! Please email with any specific questions or special needs.

Important Details:

  • Submissions are due by August 1st and will be reviewed based on accuracy, completeness, currency of topic and evidence-based references. Late entries WILL NOT be accepted.
  • Submissions will be reviewed and all presenters will be notified of their presentation status by August 15th
  • After submissions are accepted for presentation by the conference committee, presenters will receive a contract to sign and return by August 30th in order to confirm participation and agreement with the terms and conditions of the 2024 MOTA conference.**
  • Please include ALL presenters and their contact information in your submission. You WILL NOT be able to add presenters at a later date. All presenters need to be clearly stated with their appropriate credentials when the abstract is submitted.
  • Submissions will be accepted from the form on MOTA’s website. Submissions sent to the conference email WILL NOT be accepted.


Audio Visual Needs: Details to Follow

**Cost: All presenters will be responsible for paying a presenter rate. If you are selected to present, you will receive CEU credit for presenting. If you wish to attend the conference in addition to presenting, there will be a rate associated. Rates will be finalized closer to the time when call for papers closes.

Please note: The advertisement and/or sale of items or business during conference presentations is prohibited. Please contact Erica Jones at with questions or concerns.

Please contact Erica Jones at with questions or concerns.