The following Board Positions are up for nomination!
Vice President Advocacy – Term 1/2025-12/2028
The Vice-President, Advocacy shall
1. Be responsible for monitoring and advising the Board of state issues impacting occupational therapy.
2. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
3. Coordinate efforts with the MOTA Lobbyist on advocacy issues pertaining to occupational therapy regulation and legislation.
4. Be a liaison for the Board to the AOTA Office of State Affairs and other agencies as identified by the Board.
5. Coordinate and implement educational advocacy activities.
6. Chair any bill review or legislative committees.
7. Maintain a list of consumer consultants to provide consumer feedback on legislative issues including name, specialty area, and contact information.
8. Prepare and present an annual report at the annual business meeting.
9. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position.
Vice-President, Communications
The Vice-President, Communications shall
1. Be responsible for and chair committees on establishing, developing, and monitoring traditional contact and communication channels, such as the Association’s mailing and email addresses, newsletter, website, and phone numbers.
2. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
3. Oversee website development and management.
4. Manage and coordinate volunteer(s) for newsletter and/or advertisement activities and requests.
5. Advise Board of communication technology needs and updates.
6. Maintain and update lists of electronics and technology owned by the Association.
7. Coordinate efforts with the VP, Public Relations.
8. Assist the Board in establishing presentations to the Association.
9. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position
Vice President, Membership –
The Vice-President, Membership shall:
1. Be responsible for, and chair committees on, member records/archives and membership materials and recruitment in collaboration with the Secretary.
2. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
3. Report the status of the Association’s membership status at Board meetings.
4. Regularly update the membership database.
5. Prepare reports on membership trends as required by the Board.
6. Develop, execute, and monitor all membership recruitment and retention activities.
7. Periodically update membership materials.
8. Coordinate efforts with the VP, Public Relations on identifying and procuring member benefits.
9. Coordinate efforts with the Board to develop and execute the presentation at the Annual Business Meeting.
10. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position.
11. Appoint regional coordinators for identified regions.
12. Oversee functions of the Regional Coordinators
Vice President, Events
The Vice-President, Events shall
1. Be responsible for, and chair committees on, the MOTA Annual Conference including its budget as well as any MOTA-sponsored continuing education workshops not under the domain of another Vice President.
2. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
3. Coordinate efforts with the Board to develop and execute the presentation of the Annual Business Meeting.
4. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position.
The Treasurer shall:
1. Be the Chief Financial Officer of MOTA, responsible for the conduct of the financial affairs of the Association.
2. Be bonded, the expense of said bonds being borne by the Association.
3. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
4. Have the authority to sign checks and other financial contracts and obligations.
5. Keep full and accurate financial accounting records as well as documentation of all receipts and disbursements of the Association.
6. Ensure that membership dues and account receivables are deposited in a timely manner.
7. Propose an annual operating budget at least 45 days prior to a new fiscal year.
8. Ensure use of funds in a cost-effective manner.
9. Notify the Board of bills due and paid. Pay all bills in a timely manner. All expenses must comply with annually approved budget allocations. Payment of expenses requires verification of the officer or committee chairperson.
10. Report MOTA’s financial status at Board meetings.
11. Prepare and present an annual financial statement at the Annual Business Meeting; submit report for publication by the Association.
12. Ensure completion and submission of federal financial forms, such as IRS Form 990 or equivalent, and state financial forms, such as Form I, as required by law by a certified public accountant.
13. Ensure an audit of MOTA financial records by a certified public accountant as determined by the Board.
14. Ensure an annual review of financial investments.
15. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position.
Vice President, Nominations and Awards
The Vice-President, Nominations & Awards shall
1. Be responsible for, and chair committees on; advertising, soliciting, and gathering data for nominations for MOTA offices, membership awards, and sponsored scholarships.
2. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
3. Provide a presentation at the Annual Business Meeting.
4. Maintain lists and/or records of previous awardees.
5. Procure certificates and awards.
6. Coordinate presentation of awards at the annual conference and other events.
7. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position.
OTA Representative –
The OTA Representative shall:
1. Serve as chairperson of the OTA committee
2. Communicate with academic and student liaisons and report issues/activities to the Board.
3. Attend all Board meetings or designate an alternate.
4. Facilitate OTA involvement of MOTA.
5. Create opportunities that encourage MD OTA students.
6. Be a liaison for OTA practice
Vice Presidentm Public Relations
The Vice-President, Public Relations shall
1. Be responsible for and chair committees on fundraising and outreach activities to the community including the development and management of social media.
2. Attend all Board meetings or appoint a designee.
3. Coordinate efforts with the VP, Membership to develop regional-specific MOTA social events and other projects as needed.
4. Coordinate efforts with the VP, Events to develop new sponsorships.
5. Advise Board of trends in social media.
6. Promote MOTA through social media.
7. Assist the Board in establishing presentations to the Association.
8. Participate in the update of standard operating procedures for this position and the training of a successor to the position
MOTA board positions run for a period of three years with rare exceptions. Former officers are happy to assist in training new officers and will pass on documentation and materials needed for each position. For a description of each role, please see MOTA’s Bylaws. If you would like more information, please reach out to Jennifer Wingrat, Vice President – Awards & Nominations.
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