Effective July 1, 2025, the Maryland Board of Occupational Therapy Practice (separate and not affiliated with MOTA) will have a vacancy for one Occupational Therapist and one Occupational Therapy Assistant. Any OTs or OTAs interested in applying should visit the link below for more information! Applications are due 1/20/25.
Click HERE to learn more and register!
Offered by the Maryland Department of Aging
Check out the Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use website for more details about this helpful program, including who is eligible and how to request equipment.
Applications due August 20, 2021
The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE®) is seeking new members for the Roster of Accreditation Evaluators (RAE). RAE members evaluate the compliance of more than 500 occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant educational programs with ACOTE Accreditation Standards through on-site evaluations and online reviews. Their work provides ACOTE with the necessary information to make accreditation decisions, and helps to ensure the competency of future occupational therapy practitioners.
ACOTE is placing a strategic emphasis on expanding the diversity of the practice and education settings, and the education levels represented on the RAE. Occupational therapy clinicians are especially needed and are strongly encouraged to apply.
To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must:
Duties and Responsibilities
Applicants selected for membership to the RAE must attend the 2½-day Accreditation Evaluator Workshop in January 2022 for training on how to evaluate programs and use ACOTE Online. Newly trained evaluators will begin a 3½-year RAE membership term after completing the Accreditation Evaluator Workshop in January 2022. RAE members are expected to participate in on-site accreditation evaluations and complete online reviews as scheduled. (On-site evaluations are typically conducted over 2½ days, and travel expenses related to these visits are reimbursable. The hours required to complete online reviews depends on the type of review, quality of the report being reviewed, and experience of the reviewer.) Members are also expected to participate in ongoing educational trainings and remain in compliance with all ACOTE volunteer policies.
Application Process
If you or someone you know would be well suited for this volunteer position, you may complete the RAE Application for Membership and upload a current CV no later than August 20, 2021. E-mail accred@aota.org for any questions.
Selection Process
Applications will be accepted by the AOTA Accreditation Department until August 20, 2021. The ACOTE Executive Committee, in collaboration with AOTA Accreditation staff, will review all applications for eligibility. A final list of eligible applicants will be reviewed by ACOTE, and all applicants, whether selected or not, will be informed of ACOTE’s decision in September 2021.
To celebrate Occupational Therapy Month this April, we are inviting all new & lapsed members to join MOTA at a discounted rate. $55 for OTs $45 for OTAs $25 for retired OT professionals $20 for students Why join MOTA? – MOTA’s primary expense is our lobbying team, which reviews all legislation to identify potential impact on our practice and clients in Maryland. Did you know Maryland is often considered at the forefront of pro-OT legislation, including this year’s OT Interstate Licensure Compact bill? This fact is directly tied to our very active Advocacy Committee and our lobbyists, Public Policy Partners. Thanks to YOUR membership dues, we can afford this essential service. – Your Maryland Occupational Therapy Association membership provides you with CEUs at our frequent Hot Topic events and allows you to network with other occupational therapists in the state. – MOTA efforts benefit all occupational therapy professionals in Maryland. However, less than 10% are paid MOTA members! Please support your profession through your membership. At the guidance of AOTA’s research, we are offering single-year, automatically renewed memberships (with the exception of students). This model makes maintaining your membership easier for you and the organization. Each year, you will be notified ahead of time so that you can opt-out or update your card information. It’s never been easier to become a member and stay a member of the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association. Don’t wait! This discounted membership rate is only good for the month of April. New & lapsed OTs and OTAs should use this coupon code to save $10: otmonthsave10 New & lapsed retired professionals and students should use this coupon code to save $5: otmonthsave5 And don’t forget, MOTA has a Hot Topic event on April 7th for Evaluation and Treatment of Common Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Conditions that is FREE for members. You can join MOTA and register for this event today for a savings of as much as $20! If you have any questions, please feel free to email our VP of Membership, Nicole Powels. |
STEP 1: Go to: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Members/District
Find my Representatives – Look up
STEP 2: Enter your address and zip code
STEP 3: Once your representatives pop up, scroll down to Maryland Legislative District (if you go to Maryland Congressional District, you’ll get U.S. representatives and not state representatives)
Sample (you’ll have different representatives listed depending on your district)
STEP 4: From individual representative links, locate the email address and EITHER cut and paste the address into your email or click on the address (clicking on the address may take you to a different provider for your email).
STEP 5: Paste your letter into the email AND add as an attachment.
STEP 6: Hit send and you are done.
STEP 7: Let everyone know you sent your letters by posting to MOTA’s Facebook group! We’re going to track posts and raffle off a year MOTA membership.
My name is Marley Merrick, and I am the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA) student representative. I finished by bachelor’s degree in occupation and well-being in May 2020, and have since been working on my master’s degree in occupational therapy. I have been the student rep for MOTA since 2018, and have loved being part of this board and organization. Unfortunately, my term as student rep will come to an end in December. Although I am sad about my term ending, I am excited about starting my level two fieldworks, starting my career, and getting married all in 2021!
I decided to become the student rep in 2018 because I wanted to learn more about OT and the profession outside of the classroom. Within my two years of being on the board, I have learned so much that has only added to my academic education. I have been able to work alongside my professors and other great OTs, advocate for the profession in Annapolis, MD, listen and learn from AOTA board members, help plan and run out annual conference, and listen to great seminars and presentations from OTs around Maryland. I believe that everything I have learned in these two years, in addition to my academic education, has only benefitted me for my upcoming career as an OT.
The MOTA board is looking for another OT or OTA student to take over my position, starting in January 2021. Have faith when I say that joining the MOTA board and organization will only better you, your education, and future career as an OT/OTA. If anyone would like any more information about joining the MOTA board, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at mmerri5@students.towson.edu. Otherwise, please send us an email at all4mota@gmail.com for more information about how you can apply.
We are considering re-implementing districts and district representatives within MOTA to increase leadership and networking opportunities. In the past, districts have delivered continuing education, networking opportunities, membership recruitment, and outreach on the community level. We are trying to determine the needs and interests of our members. We value your feedback!
Please help us plan by taking this quick District Survey.
Daniel Martin’s term on the Board of OT Practice ends this coming June 30th. The Maryland Department of Health requests that the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA) submit a list of nominees no later than March 20, 2020. Parties who are interested in appointment to the Board of OT Practice should: