My name is Marley Merrick, and I am the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association (MOTA) student representative. I finished by bachelor’s degree in occupation and well-being in May 2020, and have since been working on my master’s degree in occupational therapy. I have been the student rep for MOTA since 2018, and have loved being part of this board and organization. Unfortunately, my term as student rep will come to an end in December. Although I am sad about my term ending, I am excited about starting my level two fieldworks, starting my career, and getting married all in 2021!
I decided to become the student rep in 2018 because I wanted to learn more about OT and the profession outside of the classroom. Within my two years of being on the board, I have learned so much that has only added to my academic education. I have been able to work alongside my professors and other great OTs, advocate for the profession in Annapolis, MD, listen and learn from AOTA board members, help plan and run out annual conference, and listen to great seminars and presentations from OTs around Maryland. I believe that everything I have learned in these two years, in addition to my academic education, has only benefitted me for my upcoming career as an OT.
The MOTA board is looking for another OT or OTA student to take over my position, starting in January 2021. Have faith when I say that joining the MOTA board and organization will only better you, your education, and future career as an OT/OTA. If anyone would like any more information about joining the MOTA board, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at mmerri5@students.towson.edu. Otherwise, please send us an email at all4mota@gmail.com for more information about how you can apply.